8 Strategies to Maximize Conversions From a B2B Email List

Estimates show that during 2025 an average of 376.4 billion emails will be sent every day. The use of email and the internet is always on the rise.

In today’s world, digital marketing is essential for business success. There are a lot of elements to an effective digital marketing campaign, and it’s important to focus on the areas that will yield the best results.

People sometimes think that email marketing is outdated, but it remains one of the best tools you can use if you want to have success. If you can effectively use your B2B email list, you’ll have a much easier time achieving your business goals.

In this guide, we’ll cover some strategies that will help you use your B2B email list to maximize your conversions. Keep reading for more.

1. Ensure Your Emails Are Mobile Friendly

There was a time when people would only use PCs for emails, but things have changed quickly. As it stands, about 49% of emails are opened on mobile devices, and this is likely to go up in the coming years.

Some people only use their mobile devices for personal emails, but it’s becoming far more common for business uses too. Many of the users on your B2B email list will open your emails on tablets or smartphones, so it’s vital that they’re able to read them with ease.

Ensure all emails that you send out are properly optimized for mobile devices. If they’re not, most people will close them straight away and not give a second thought to them.

Start by keeping subject lines short. If they’re longer than 30-35 characters, they may not display correctly. These will have a significant impact on your email open rate, so they need to get people interested immediately.

Use a single-column layout for all emails. This will ensure readers can scroll down and all the information will be laid out in an easy-to-digest way.

If you’re including images, keep them small. Large images will take longer to load, resulting in more people closing emails immediately.

Like the subject, you should keep the content short and concise. Say everything you need to say, but don’t add unnecessary content that will waste people’s time. Larger fonts are also ideal as they’re easier to read on small screens.

Finish up with a strong CTA. This will encourage the reader to take the next step you want them to, ultimately leading to more conversions.

2. Segment Your Email Lists

These days, people have a plethora of content and information at their fingertips. There are plenty of other businesses out there similar to yours. If you want to achieve more B2B conversions, you need to stand out from the competition.

To do this, you want to tailor your business emails to make them as suitable for each client as possible. Think about the specific products or services you’re offering.

Some companies will have different needs from others, so you can segment your emails based on what each client will want from your business. Their purchase history can be very helpful with this. If you know what they’ve bought from you in the past, you’ll have a better idea of what they’ll want in the future.

Segment your email list based on what will appeal most to different clients. This will allow you to generate different emails that will be more likely to result in conversions.

3. Automate Emails

One of the drawbacks of email marketing is that it can be very time-consuming. Fortunately, it’s not the most complicated type of marketing, making it ideal for automation.

This becomes even more of a factor as your business grows. You gain more clients with time, and longer email lists mean it takes longer to create and send out emails.

With email automation, you can easily create custom emails and send them to the right clients at pre-determined times. On top of sending emails based on segments, you can also set specific criteria so that certain emails are sent out when clients take specific actions.

This is one of the best ways to target the right clients at the right time and will streamline your entire email marketing process. It has also been shown that automated emails generate a lot more revenue than non-automated emails, so this can prove very beneficial.

4. Write Compelling Subject Lines

The importance of subject lines was mentioned above, but you really shouldn’t underestimate how crucial they are. If your clients aren’t drawn in by your subject line, they won’t open the email, and it’s that simple.

Emails with personalized subject lines tend to have much better open rates than those with generic subject lines. You’ll also get better results if you use a human sender name. “No-reply” senders don’t get great responses, so avoid them if you can.

Make sure subjects are short and enticing. You want to quickly draw the reader in so that they want to open the email and see what it says. Creating a sense of urgency will also help here.

You can add questions in subjects to encourage people to open them. A question that prompts a “yes” response is more likely to be opened than others.

A/B testing can prove very helpful here. You should experiment with different subject lines and analyze them to see what approaches are the most effective.

5. Send Welcome Emails

Part of your email automation system should include sending welcome emails whenever you add a new client to your email list. This shouldn’t be a sales email, just a greeting that welcomes them to your brand. Companies are far more likely to view yours in a positive light if you allow them to connect before selling them anything.

Automating this will ensure new clients get an email automatically, so there’s no risk of your team forgetting. It’s easy to create a suitable template, and you can have specific custom fields so each one is somewhat personal.

Ensure this is set up so that welcome emails go out as soon as a business is added to your email list. First emails have the highest open rate as that’s when clients will be most engaged. Waiting too long to send these emails will make it less likely that clients open them.

6. Understand That B2B Clients Think Differently

Some businesses are strictly B2C, some are B2B, and some are both. It’s important to understand that B2C and B2B clients think differently, so you should approach them differently.

In most cases, B2B clients already know what they want. As a result, they think more rationally and don’t make purchases based on impulses.

B2B clients usually do research before looking for products or services and know exactly what their needs are. As such, it’s best to present things in a straightforward manner that gives them the answer that they’re looking for.

7. Check Open Rates and Email Deliverability

It’s important to stay on top of your email lists and make sure every client on it has some value. Over time, you will likely end up with some email addresses on your list that are no longer in use. Being able to remove these will help, so you need to determine which addresses are worth keeping and which ones you should get rid of.

Tracking email open rates is a good way to do this. If you regularly send emails to a specific address, and none of them have been opened in years, it’s probably safe to assume that it’s no longer active

If you seem to have high open rates but low conversion rates, this is a sign that your campaign isn’t as effective as it could be. In this case, you should make some adjustments to aim for better results.

Email deliverability is also an important factor. Your emails may end up in recipients’ spam folders, and this will have a significant impact on open rates.

Make sure you assess your email deliverability and improve it if needed. Efficiency is a crucial factor, so the better your email deliverability, is, the more conversions you’ll get.

8. Think About Sending Limits and Volume

To get the best results, you want to make sure you’re sending the right amount of emails. If you don’t send enough, you could miss out on sales opportunities. If you send too many, businesses will be less likely to open them and may even remove themselves from your list.

It can take time, but through analysis, you should be able to determine how often you should be sending out emails. You can change this at certain times if you need to. If you have an upcoming promotion, for example, you may want to send out additional emails to highlight this to your clients.

Getting the Most Out of Your B2B Email List

When used well, your B2B email list can help you gain a large number of conversions. You need to make sure you’re taking the time to optimize your practices so that you can reach your clients in a suitable way that will help drive sales.

MailVerifier.io can help you by providing email verification. Our platform will help you ensure your emails are reaching their intended targets. We even offer a free trial, so sign up today to give MailVerifier.io a try.

Director at Alpha Infolab, Inc. | Website | + posts

Dewang Goyal is a seasoned expert in the expansive field of email marketing, boasting a track record that spans over a decade of transformative digital communication strategies. As a regular contributor to the MailVerifier.io blog, he offers deep insights and practical advice, helping businesses navigate the challenges and opportunities of digital communication. His articles range from the art of creating compelling email campaigns to the strategies needed for maximum audience engagement.

With a solid foundation in Computer Science, Dewang merges the worlds of technology and marketing seamlessly. This unique perspective allows him to approach email marketing from both a technical and a strategic angle, ensuring that his readers and clients benefit from comprehensive guidance.

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